An exemplar sustainable house. ‘Off the grid and no, not a log cabin’
Peter & Robyn had travelled from Sydney to Tasmania many times, eventually falling so in love with the place that they purchased a stunning 80 ha property in Kettering, just south of Hobart overlooking Bruny Island.
They decided immediately on their purchase to commit over 50ha to a conservation covenant, to ensure the native vegetation on the property is protected forever.
In our client’s words
”Ian sets high standards and chooses his crew with a work ethic to match. They made no compromise on quality and the finish exceeded all our expectations. And Ian & Elise are really nice people!
Isaac Tyson of Earth Craft Design and Construction commenced designing a truly unique home utilising hardwood that had been sourced, felled and milled from the property 18 months prior to construction for the exterior cladding. The granite-like stone (syenite) plinth and internal fireplace and wall were also hand-picked on site, marrying with the landscape in the most natural way possible.
Pine trees were felled and milled on site to aid weed removal and then also used as ceiling lining boards within the home creating warm open living spaces. The result is a beautiful dwelling that sits naturally within its surrounding environment.
Without compromising on style or functionality, this home is completely off the grid and boasts a 7 star energy efficiency rating. Every element that helped to achieve this was meticulously sourced and implemented to achieve the desired result effectively and successfully.
The excess energy they have generated from their solar and hydro power systems has not gone to waste either, with the couple purchasing an electric car to utilise it!
We were privileged to be involved in such an innovative environmentally economic and sustainable build that required as much attention to detail and craftsmanship as any that we have undertaken.
This build was featured in the Spring 2016 issue of Sanctuary Magazine.

”It’s really cosy here. My sister yesterday told me that her house in Sydney was 12ºC which is about the same as our unheated garage! And it’s hard to believe that we have more electricity and hot water than we know what to do with.
”The Skookom team took in their stride the challenge of our unconventional house.